January 27, 2013

Bio-Electricity. What it is and What it Does ??

         Bio-electricity, also known as the life force, the chi, the body electric, prana, the aura, the spirit, witch power. There are many different names for this energy. There are many different ways of increasing it. Our bodies run on bio-electricity. Thoughts are electrical impulses in the brain. The brain runs on bio-electricity. When this electricity becomes imbalanced, one has seizures. The amount of bio-electricity an individual has, determines the degree of their physical, psychological and spiritual health. People who are ill or depressed, have lesser amounts of bio-electricity. Bio-electricity increases our energy, immunity to disease, charisma, positive outlook, emotional and thought power. Our thoughts (electrical impulses) become stronger and are more able to manifest themselves in reality, when we work to actively increase our bio-electricity. Depression all by itself, is a symptom of too little bio-electricity.

Examples of Bio-Electricity

        Buddhist monks, who sat motionless in the street, (protesters), were soaked with gasoline and lit on fire. They continued to sit still and burn to death. Martial artists. Busting through concrete with their fists, knife hand "karate chop," enduring major, crushing and lethal blows, unharmed. Dim Mak.

        The deadly martial art of inflicting light specific blows to chi (a variation of bio-electricity) meridians (accupressure points of bio-electric energy flow) during specific times, that can cause delayed death, sometimes up to 5 months later. When the mind, through fear, panic, or near death, sometimes enables an individual to lift extremely heavy objects (back end of a car) that would normally be impossible.

Telekinesis- The ability to move objects with the mind

Pyrokinesis- The ability to set things on fire with the mind

Electrokinesis- The abiity to control objects, such as computers that run on electricity

Levitation- Some martial arts and yoga masters have the ability to levitate themselves into the air.

        This is the foundation of all workings of the mind and magickal success. Old spells with strange ingredients have little or nothing to do with the success of a so called "spell," it is the strength of the mind and the aura that with proper focus and direction, will affect one's environment and others. Those known as the Gods (very powerful and advanced extra-terrestrials who have genetically modified their DNA so they don't age), have much of this very energy.

        Lucifer is known as "the shining one." Many of these Gods "Demons" actually are radiant with this very energy. The hieroglyphs on the walls in the Egyptian temples, tombs and the pyramids explain how important this energy is in becoming a God. Reaching true Godhead is difficult and requires consistent hard work and dedication. Mastery of the mind is essential. The RHP religions lie to keep us from advancing spiritually.

        The spirit, as long as you are alive, is a part of the physical self. Yes, many of us can astral project (leave our bodies at will), BUT, the physical self acts to empower the soul, as long as we are alive. My experience with the dead, is they do not evolve in power, any more than they had when alive. A spirit remains a spirit until they reincarnate. Only through the strength of the soul (powerful bio-electricity) will one reincarnate higher, into a God.

January 26, 2013

The mind's structure

The mind's structure is one of two elements of the mind:
  1. Structure
  2. Content
The mind's content is the obvious expression that flows from the mind’s structure. The mind's structure is to the mind's content what the road-system is to our vehicles: It determines the flow of the traffic, or energy.
What should we want to master here ideally… content or structure? The structure obviously, since we always want to get to the bottom of things. My philosophy has always been to dedicate myself to get to the highest source of everything, so all lower levels and aspects will be mastered automatically, rather than gaining control over specific aspects one by one. However, it is not just a one way direction that we are dealing with here. Yes the mind’s content comes immediately from the mind’s structure; however, it is the content that through rehearsal and conditioning shapes the structure. It’s a constant correlation. That’s why we need to learn how to recognise both elements. 

So what exactly is the mind's structure?
It is the blueprint for the content that occupies your mind field. It’s the road-system that tells the traffic what pathways to follow. 

Imagine a smooth sandy surface somewhere on a beach. The surface is completely wrinkleless, it’s all smooth and it represents the mind field. Water can flow over this surface freely to wherever it desires to go. The water is completely free in this stage, only going there where the sea wants it to...
Now imagine the water becoming fixated and focussed on flowing through one specific path. This path will now be printed into the previously smooth surface just as it would when you repeat a certain pattern with your finger in the sand. At first the surface of the beach was pure mind field, but now there is a blueprint; a structure. Water is no longer allowed to move freely, energy is formed into patterns and these patterns express to the outside world as character, among other expressions.

The mind’s structure reaches deeper than merely character, but character is one of the most obvious expression that arises from the mind’s structure. In the end all thought-forms arise from this subconscious structure that now forms the basis of your mind. It is through this blueprint; through these specific channels that are unique for every individual (hence the character) that the energy which turns into thought-forms flows through.

Sense Control

Mastering the mind through sense control is a complementary practice to regular mind control techniques. The mind and the senses have a constant interaction and if we master one of them, we gain control over the other one as well. 

The mind and the senses are tight like a chariot is tight to its horses. If we control the horses we control the chariot. Likewise; if we control the senses we control the mind. The regular Mind Control Techniques suggest to take control over aspects of our being that are more subtle in nature and less concrete, less physical, less obvious. This makes controlling the mind harder for some. Sense Control is more gross in nature, more physical, more concrete. 

It is like the senses are the Ice and the mind is the water (and at certain levels it becomes as vague as gass). Both are the same substance called H2O. Which form of H2O is easier to control, water or Ice? Ice is more physical, more concrete than water, which makes it easier to grab hold of. Control one of these forms and you control the H2O. Some may prefer training or controlling the mind itself rather than the senses, others may prefer sense control as a doorway to mastering the mind. Both are close relatives. 

Every time we perceive something, automatically there is a response from the mind; a reaction; a judgement; a thought. Because of this instant and automatic reaction we fail to observe reality as it is. We are not seeing what is really here, we are seeing what we think about what is here. We see the responses of the mind and assume that is reality. If we want to establish a pure perception of reality as it is, we need to learn how to see beyond these judgements, these thoughts. Ultimately we should master the mind completely and always see things as they are without judgement.

Sources of thought

Sources of thought/mental fluctuations have 3 sources:
  1. Sense objects (the external world);
  2. Past impressions (past-focussed);
  3. Desires (future-focussed)
  4. (Imagination)

Source 1: Sense Objects

1: The first of sources of thought is that of the sense objects: found in the the external world. These consist of:
  • visual input;
  • audio;
  • smell;
  • taste;
  • sense (touch)
Examples of sense objects are: food, sex, music, noise, people, smells, etc. These objects of the senses distract our minds on a daily basis. Often when we try to meditate we are distracted by noises, things or people. Not only that, but the higher sensations experienced in some meditation can distract us as well. The difference is that these sensations are considered to be 'spiritual'(-achievements) and are often not seen for what they are: distractions. To those who's goal is the ultimate experience and that strive for the highest truth and the infinite bliss, these sensations and dimensions are distractions and should not be valued as being the purpose of your meditation.
The distraction created by our tendency to depend on the external world of the senses can be eliminated through the practice of Pratyahara, or: sense-withdrawal. You focus only on the inside and ignore every distraction coming from the external world. This way we can eliminate our first of the sources of thought. Preferably, when focussing inside, you focus on pure, thoughtless awareness itself only, but if that's too confusing or frustrating at this time, just focus on a specific thought or image you hold in your mind. Just be alert that you don't allow the senses to pull your attention outside of what you are focussing on inside (preferably: on consciousness itself).
Eventually you can focus on your inner source and be meditating while for example dancing in a busy, noisy crowd; the external world then no longer makes any difference to your mental state if you don't allow it to. You have gained some serious control over the mind and the senses.

Source 2: Past Impressions

2: The second distraction arises out of the impressions of past experiences: Our minds are conditioned to think on a constant basis. The thoughts that we are having now in this moment are reproductions and expressions coming from imprints of past experiences. These imprints, or impressions, together form the structure of the mind. 

So everything we see now is clouded by our past-impressions. Our daily random thoughts are clouding our vision to see reality and nature they way they are at this time, in this moment. So past impressions are one of the sources of thought that create random activity and disturbance in the mind. They filter everything automatically hence we experience a distorted, illusion-filled version of reality. Thoughts like these disturb us and our clarity greatly and they should be observed and purified. They come from the second source of thoughts: past-impressions. We should learn to stop living in the illusion of time and let go of the past. Only then can we experience every moment purely as it is and be amazed by the beauty of timelessness.

Source 3: Desires (future)

3: Desires are future-focussed and form the third source of our thoughts. Desires are the cause for our suffering. Thoughts have different sources but only desires cause suffering. Whether the triggerring thought comes from external objects, past experiences or future projections, it is because we desire to something else besides what we already have/are that we suffer. So desires have two expressions: 1: future-projections; 2: suffering. 

Once we dissolve our desire towards something else, or accept the things the way they are in any given moment, this source of thought falls away, and so does the accompanied sufferring. Hence: we are liberated and free from desire. It is only because we cannot fully accept what is coming to us, that we suffer. Even when a past impression is triggered by some event, and causes us pain, it is not the past impression, but the desire to escape it that causes our suffering.
If you eliminate these three sources, your mind will have no reason to produce random thoughts. You will only think when you consciously think. So by eliminating the illusion of time (past and future) and practicing pratyahara or meditation to eliminate the distraction and the grip that the external world has on your inner state, we free ourselves from the burdon of the mind. Instead of being possessed, we regain control (Mind-Control) over our minds and become the master. 

As a fourth of the sources of thought we could state that Imagination is another source for thought, but if we eliminate the above mentioned three sources of thought, we have no reason to randomly imaginate any longer.