March 26, 2014

Definition of Independence..

            We should not depend on any body for our basic needs except nature .  In this respect we can say only farmers are independent .But currently they we are also dependent on the government for  water because of failed rainfall .The government may say  the reason for this is cutting down the trees .. that is one of the reason there are many other reasons.

            Change in transport culture  i.e.. usage petroleum products , usage of electricity also changed the nature  which may lead to mass destruction of humans  according to the Newton’s third law or the theory of Karma.

            In Independent India every one want to become a ruler without knowing what ruling is ? the thinking behind this is they will learn ruling in the due course .. that may be true but the before they learn they will be removed from that position. 

            In the past 55 year after what they call it as independence 13  people of india tried to learn ruling  but they all failed to the core.Every coin has two sides the opposition balloon the negative side of the ruling side and they will come to power the same thing will come to them the next time. They want only the ruling position they don’t have ruling knowledge or principles.

The rulers should define the following things in common..
What is the goal of the government ?
  The government should satisfy every bodies basic needs not every bodies  wishes. Every body may wish to become the prime minister of the country without knowing any thing which is not possible.

What is culture ..?

Who should vote?  How can person who don’t have any basic knowledge can select a good person? In my perception a family person who is aged above 60 should vote.

What is the  selection criteria for a ruler?. In my perception in independent india akanda brahmachari  should be a ruler.

Indian people should be educated to earn 16 wealth and what family is ?


8.Pon (Gold)
12.Nan Makkal

In English
1. Education
2. Age
4. Prosperity
5. Youth
6. Physique
7. Mind
8. Wife
9. Patience / Perseverance


March 25, 2014


     Culture can be viewed  as belief system or Way of life according to the climatic condition at that place (ie variation in Panja bootha’s(earth, water, fire, wind and space))Indus valley  civilization is the oldest  civilization of mankind  currently know as  Hindu way of life or Hindu culture 

      We humans are composition of panjabootha’s(earth, water, fire, wind and space) . In olden days  people used to share these panjabooth’s  which is present  locally ie.. in their village or nearby village. They had their own way of protection system  known as  Sanatana Dharma. In which they used only the things(earth, water, fire, wind and space) above the ground level because at that time there will be 3 rainy day a month.

        Since most of the top management people (ie ..kings and co rulers) were  destroyed by the British government we lost our sanatana Dharma. After independence British handed over the entire nation to a rich person of a country who son studied in England  because of that our current rulers don’t know whether to follow our traditional way of life or British way of life by mixing the both culture they have created chaos in the country. Currently to satisfy our needs we started sharing or resources from other parts of the world what we call it as globalization because of this we are importing crude oil (Energy of desert) and Exporting pulses and grain and sacred plants for medicines which lead to increase in population and converting our land to desert.
       According to Varnashrama or sanatana dharma does not impose or suggest to disrespect any one  but  they  restrict mixing of energies(ie four varnas). Four varna energies are accordingly 
      Each varna has two predominant energies  as mentioned above and each yuga is ruled by the corresponding varna . In my perception in each yuga major changes or chemical changes takes place in their corresponding elements due to humans and this is a cyclic process .So humans are just a converting agents. These changes takes place continuously it has no beginning or end 

      Sanatana Dharma suggest a smooth converting or changing process . which we call it as Hindu way of life or Indus valley civilization or Hindu religion which is the oldest science of living 

     For example Eskimos cannot have the same culture we have .Every thing ie.. food culture,dress culture , marriage culture etc ... will be entirely different according to the climate.  

      Politics and (religion or culture or way of life ) are two sides of the same coin as long as we have religion without science politics without ethics will exist.

      Currently we Indians are slowly changing to the western culture without any basis and becoming slaves of the westerner's indirectly. what we call it as globalization.