December 22, 2012

Man & Mind in Scientific perception

Considering Man as a Computer



Computer was created in a factory where as Man was created in a biochemical factory by two workers man and women.


Where does mind resides ? It is a great mystery
In my perception  mind is a  combination of  heart, brain and blood .
Which can be Perceived as
Mind =>Digital Signal(Data Signal)

Heart =>SMPS
Brain=>Processor & Memory

Unconscious mind=>ROM (BIOS)
Sub conscious mind=>Hard disk
Conscious mind=>RAM

BIOS or Unconscious mind  => When the PC starts up, the first job for the BIOS is the power-on self-test, which initializes and identifies system devices such as the CPU, RAM, video display card, keyboard and mouse, hard disk drive, optical disc drive and other hardware. The BIOS then locates boot loader software held on a peripheral device (designated as a 'boot device'), such as a hard disk(KARAMA)
So BIOS is active at the power on (Birth) {Lagna in astrological view}

Hardisk or Sub Conscious mind => KARMA(Operating System)  done in the previous births (Operating system loads till the age of  5 ) {Rasi in astrological view}

RAM or Conscious mind => Software {Dhasabuthi in astrological view}
  5-25 => Software development  phase  (Learning)
25-30 =>Software implementation phase (Job searching)
30-60=>Used by the users(family & Society){Kolcharam in astrological  view}
60-80=>Migration and up-gradation in a new hardware(children)(Poorvika karma trasformation)
After 80=> Waiting for reprocessing in the dump yard

We can  summarise 

Heart is the power source
Brain is the thought (instruction) generator using various data sources ,  
Blood and veins are the transferring agent of data signal(MIND)

Without  the above three  we cannot have a valid data signal

 Meditation is nothing but keeping  the entire system in idle or dead state 

Meditation => Digital signal without data & Instruction (Thought less state)

Samathi => Without Digital signal itself (Ego "I"=0)

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