January 10, 2014

The Convergence of Science and Spirituality

Before you can understand why, how, and where physics and metaphysics will converge, you must understand exactly what is meant by physics and metaphysics. Metaphysics is basically the philosophical study of being and knowing. Metaphysics is very closely related to spirituality, but it is not religious. On the other hand, when I talk about physics I am not really talking about the old Newtonian physics that many of us were taught in school. Instead, I am talking more about the leading edge sciences that are, in my opinion, currently expanding the previous limits of science, mainly quantum physics (the science where physics and metaphysics merge)
Why / Where Metaphysics and Physics are about to Merge?
Science and spirituality have a very close relationship. Metaphysics / spirituality and science are really two complimentary ways of looking at reality. Therefore as we get closer to the truth, physics and metaphysics must merge, or in other words, science will meet spirit.
The main difference between science and spirituality was:
·  true spirituality you look within
·  traditional scientists look to external sources
But now, scientists are beginning to look within, to solve external scientific problems, because almost every day new information is coming out that does not make sense under the old science (such as psychic phenomenon). Scientists are now beginning to go straight to the real source, which is the same source that supplies metaphysics. Therefore, it is inevitable that physics and metaphysics merge.
“It was very important that, a long time ago, we made the decision to separate spirit from science. And so we were able to learn how to do science. But now we’ve learned, and we can take on the richer task of learning to do science when consciousness is part of the experiment.” -William Tiller, Ph.D. 

Science’s approach to The Truth
The initial goal of science was, of course, not to separate science and spirit, but instead to understand nature. In early/ancient civilizations science and spirituality were meant to compliment each other and nature. Scientists wanted to understand nature, so they could live in harmony with it, not so they could dominate it. Only until the middle of the 16th century did this really change.
Materialism, which is the theory that physical matter is the only reality and that everything, including thought, feeling, mind, and will, can be explained in terms of matter and physical phenomena brought about the separation between science and spirit. Since, under this way of thinking, physical well-being and worldly possessions became the greatest good and had the highest value in life. The world was thought of as a machine, and there was no need for God or metaphysics / spirituality.
Then in the early 20th century, scientist like Einstein, Bohr, Heisenberg, Schrödinger and other founders of quantum theory proved that it was not a material world at all. Many of the founders of quantum even had an interest in spiritual matters. They discovered that the physical universe is essentially non-physical. It seems to arise from a field that is even more subtle than energy, a field that seems to be more like intelligence or consciousness than matter. As you may know, these are ancient metaphysical teachings, and metaphysicians have no problems with these ideas. Even though, much of the scientific community does. And, once materialism is gone, the convergence of science and spirituality can begin again. 

How Physics and Metaphysics Will Merge?
Although, it is not certain exactly how the convergence of science and spirit will take place, there are many ideas as to how and when this might happen. Some people believe that there will be a complete blending of one into the other. Others believe that they will continue to overlap and expand each other. Personally, I believe that through quantum physics, science will prove many of the ancient metaphysical / spiritual teachings (as it is already doing) and in the process we will see the convergence to science and spirit.
Or as Fred Allan Wolf, Ph.D. said:
“It isn’t a question of science bringing spirituality in. It’s more a question of expanding the circle within which both science and spirituality lie, so that the kind of question we can ask can be looked at from the different points of view that both science and spirituality bring to the table. It’s important to realize that the subject, the ‘inner space,’ is worthy of great exploration. It’s important to realize that the ways we explore the ‘inner space’ may not be the same ways that we explore ‘outer space.’ But the ways that we understand inner space may be greatly assisted by the ways that we understand the quantum nature of the physical world.”
In conclusion, everyday we are coming closer to seeing physics and metaphysics merge.

What Is Metaphysics?

Metaphysics is defined as the branch of philosophy that examines the true nature of reality, whether visible or invisible. Metaphysics includes the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, and, fact and value. Basically, metaphysics is the philosophical study of being and knowing.
Metaphysics is a broad-ranging philosophy, not a science!

It is closely related to spirituality, but it is not tied to any particular religion. However, it seems that "metaphysics" is deeply related to all religions in many ways.

India's are  masters of  METAPHYSICS 

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