Peaceful Living is the principle of Life.
Peacefulness is the calm state of the mind.
Mind becomes calm when it becomes pure.
Mind will be pure when all the five cosmic
elements (air, water, fire, earth and sky) within us and around us is pure.
Currently all the five cosmic
elements are polluted around us and within us.
To maintain purity we
should live in a pure environment and eat pure food internally (i.e. unpolluted
foods (organic)).
Media pollute the mind of every one by sowing bad thoughts from young age. It
should be cleaned first.
Internal pollution can be purified by fasting as per the astrological data.
External pollution can only be
cleaned only if all people around the world live organically (aligned
to cosmic principle).
Einstein stated that the future would be cosmic religion. I.e. live according to topology.
We people of India or Bharath or the oldest civilization on earth call this as cosmic living or Sana-Thana dharma.
Even Quran , Bible and all other religious books suggest cosmic living principle or Sana-Thana dharma according to topologies.
All Religious leaders didn’t follow the
100% as stated in their religious books. It is followed blindly without
the core principle. Currently people are living in Confucius state (Multi culture) we cannot blame anyone for this. It is part of cyclic process.
Even yuga’s are cyclic. Refer:
In my perception the past 5000 years
approximately was Dwapara - yuga to kali yuga. All yugas will propagate (transition will be) in sine wave form. i.e.( for the past 5000 years materialism
increased from December-22-2012 immaterialism will increase for the next 5000 years) and the frequency will be high in the mid of Kaliyuga.
Topology(cosmic elements) plays a very important role in every religion or culture.
Peaceful Living becomes principle when all the government and religious people understand this ultimate reality.
They should redefine their ego (Principles) .
All governments are spending lump sum on researches to find the
possibility of human life on other planets. It is possible to live on other planets like aliens or some other species according to the cosmic elements present
there. The five cosmic elements vary from planet to planets (Humans are living
entity of 5 (cosmic elements) on earth). Research
create huge pollution affecting all living creatures on earth. All thought it is a cyclic
process it is time to change the Principle.
All governments and religious people should align their principle to the cosmic principle of their topology.
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